Leave the pain of your
past where it belongs.

The answers for your future are here.

Online Therapy for Individuals, Teens, and Families in Florida

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The gut-wrenching nightmares started again.

You wake up from a nightmare, sweating, calling out in desperate pain.

Remembering with anguish the damage, the loss of control, and the sick feeling in your stomach.

Afraid to fall asleep, you find distractions to stay awake. Then the next morning is a struggle.

Life is a tired blur.

Jump up, rushing around. You stop, call in to give an excuse, because you’re late for work… again.

Thoughts about the nightmare pop in during a meeting. You sit frozen – not hearing what’s being said –

Experiencing the anxiety and fear randomly without the ability to control it.

Needing relief and not finding it anywhere.

What is wrong with me?!?

Did he call… why didn’t he call? He said he would!

It happens all the time. No one ever follows through.

I give everything and get left behind, ignored, and ghosted… ALL THE TIME!!!

That’s it! You’ve had it. You dial his number and unleash a flurry of colorful adjectives that would make a sailor blush.

I don’t need him, or anyone! Everyone lets me down anyway… I can’t trust anyone.

It takes courage.

Courage to admit the suffering is too much anymore.

That the ways you used to help yourself aren’t working.

The pain and anguish are stopping you from living, experiencing joy, and feeling happy and fulfilled.

Nothing changes without making change. Einstein says, “The definition of insanity… is doing things the same way and expecting a different result.”

There is a way.

Therapy helps sort the chaos.

Move from overwhelmed to knowing where to start to help yourself get better. Identify and manage your emotions. Gain understanding about your pain. Find the light at the end of the tunnel that is peace. Be free from the pain of the past.

Though hard at times, therapy is a way to take the next step to resolving your pain.

Schedule an Appointment

Hi, I’m Teresa.

I listen.

Helping you explore the deepest areas of your life that you ignore or hide away because of the guilt, shame, or pain of the past.

I listen.

Helping you focus on the words, feelings, and thoughts that are part of the existing pain. Building trust in our relationship so you know nonjudgment and support.

I commit my skills to your needs. We’ll find what works for your healing, so working through the pain becomes something that you did to move forward into the life that you want.

More About Me

You don’t have to find the answers on your own.

Your friends and family have done all they can for you out of love and desire to help.

It’s time to take a different approach. Counseling is a worthwhile investment in your
emotional well-being, your current life, and your future self.

If not now, then when?

Call me for a free 15-minute consultation, and let’s talk about what you need.

(941) 564-7987