Online Therapy

Consistent online therapy can be very effective.

Through online therapy, we can address whatever challenges are preventing you from living life to the fullest: depression and anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, ADHD, or stress.

Several studies, including a review of 30 trials of Internet-based therapies published over the past decade, showed improvement in anxiety and stress in guided Internet-based therapy in a “relatively” short time.

It’s a scientific fact that online therapy can be as effective as conventional face-to-face therapy.

And if that doesn’t convince you to connect, perhaps this will…

  • No drive time. Therapy is as easy as opening your laptop and logging in or opening an app on your phone.
  • It is more cost effective because you do not spend money on gas, rearranging schedules, dealing with traffic, leaving a meeting late, or having to cancel because of challenges.
  • Scheduling is more convenient. You can reserve the 45 minutes or hour at lunch, before your drive home, after school, and your teen can attend without a parent (given prior consent).

You don’t have to worry about seeing people you know in the waiting room or leaving after crying for an hour as the healing process begins.

It can feel easier for some people to reveal private information when they’re sharing it online.

Online therapy still allows for a connection for you and me as it is video teletherapy sessions.

Online therapy isn’t for everyone.

Online therapy isn’t meant for people with certain problems or conditions (such as suicidal intent or psychosis). A person who doesn’t enjoy sitting or interacting for 45 minutes to an hour or isn’t able to communicate would not be a good fit for online therapy.

You would need to have access to the Internet in a private place using a device with a camera and microphone that can send and receive video, like a cell phone tablet or laptop/desktop computer. Using the local Wi-Fi is not a suitable solution as it does not allow for privacy.

Online therapy is as life-changing as therapy that occurs in an office in your hometown.

We meet at a specific, predetermined dedicated time chosen by you.

Online Therapy offers flexibility. We can meet online at your office at work or in your car during a lunch break – any room at home (no bathrooms, please!) or by the pool (if you have a pool).

Give online therapy a try…

Talk with me when you call for your 15-minute consultation: (941) 564-7987.

I would be happy to answer further questions.