About Therapy

The symptoms that you carry are heavy if not shared.

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

–Albert Einstein

Not even well-meaning people in your life can understand your daily struggle.

When the anxiety takes hold and your heart pounds, you freeze and cannot speak at important moments in your life. You can’t describe how you feel to have someone understand, let alone help make it STOP!

You have lost the relationship because you always needed reassurance of their caring and love for you. They have tried and cannot provide enough reassurance that you wish you didn’t need – but you do.

You have been late to everything, and racing thoughts keep you up at night. You struggle with attempts to change your behaviors, asking for leniency, and feeling shameful that you need it. Trying to explain it is not disrespectful but a symptom that keeps you down.

The shame hits you hard, the guilt wells up that you cannot change the nightmares, the intruding memories of the events. The results are you withdraw, knowing that if you told them, they would leave you and reject you.

I believe that you are worth the effort.

“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”

–Audrey Hepburn

Believe you are worth the effort; that we can heal the struggle you have had for years or the pain you experience. Even when you have tried to ignore the pain, the events have some ways to help. You have encountered the rejection that they give up.

When you experience the right help, understanding, and ability, you can heal the pain, manage the anxiety, learn to overcome the obstacles that prevent you from the life you deserve. Everyone can change if they take a chance, learn alternative ways, and commit to healing. I can assist with that process.

Stand up and believe in the power of working on yourself!

“Outer changes always begin with an inner change of attitude.”

–Albert Einstein

You can empower yourself to seek alternate endings, more meaning, healing, support, and skills to propel a changed and improved self.

We know how this ends if you stay stuck in what we know is an unhealthy “safe.” We know what to do, even if it’s unhealthy. We don’t know if alternative ways work.

If they don’t? Will I be worse?

We believe that if we change the thoughts, mindset, and beliefs of the past, we can reshape, change, and progress with small changes, steps that lead to health and a better life! You will have the support and professional guidance on this journey.

Therapy can be one change of attitude that put you on the path!

My support and skills are yours.

“The therapy relationship accounts for why clients improve (or fail to improve) at least as much as the particular treatment method.”

–Lisa Firestone, PhD

I want you to feel safe, knowing all your deepest thoughts and beliefs, and perhaps darkest fears are kept private. Knowing that you will be guided by a kind and compassionate person who believes in people and their power to change.

I will ask you to work and take challenges that might feel uncomfortable but only to achieve the desired changes. My work includes mutual respect, open communication, and feedback to help move therapy to completion.

I welcome you to warm regard and determined guidance.

Important, meaningful, life-changing work…

“Happiness is not the absence of problems; it’s the ability to deal with them.”

–Steve Maraboli


We’ll start by exploring the events in your life that brought you to where you are now.


Usually, as we form a working relationship, the assessment continues as we gain trust and comfort with the process of therapy. During that time, I am asking questions to gain an understanding of you. It is part of the natural therapy process, so it’s usually not noticed as an “exam.”


Mostly, diagnosis helps me understand symptoms and form a focus and path for therapy. When using insurance, insurance companies usually require a diagnosis, that is… A set of symptoms is called a name. Not unlike the common cold – a doctor would diagnose runny nose, sore throat, cough.


I will provide feedback and recommendations to the therapy process at the end of the first session as potential avenues for focus in therapy. Since we are complex as humans, maintaining a focus for the session is needed to ensure we are working on the identified needs. As we work together, it wouldn’t be uncommon for other focus areas to pop up, and then we add that to the plan.


The plan focuses on what is needed, such as skills building, gaining insight, or understanding about behaviors and a path of work together. Usually, insurance companies require a specific plan, and if needed, I can review that with you. The plan outlines the progress, so we know our focus is working. We review the plan to identify progress, support change, and see how far we have come.


In therapy, we may have a “talk” session that allows for insight and identified changes to come to light. We might have a focused skills-building session about a symptom that needs to be managed. We also might use a determined therapy such as EMDR for trauma or DBT for managing emotions. Everyone has their needs, and I look to match the needs with you.

About Me

I started my helping career with the insatiable question: “Why?”

As early as I can remember, five maybe, I wanted to know why people acted in the manner they did. Why did this kid act nice and then act mean? Why do friends “come and go”? Why do people “hurt another person”? How do we love?

So, I got a master’s degree in counseling from Spring Arbor University in Michigan. As a part of my education, I have special training in ADHD in children and adults. I’m trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to help those suffering the effects of trauma. Continued training has allowed me to grow and honor more people with the help they are asking to resolve.

At a point in 2010, after being in the frozen Northwest, I gravitated toward the warm and the ocean. Having started on the East Coast and grew up on the West Coast, I yearned for the ocean and warmth to use my self-soothing and self-care to regenerate with the beach and warmth. I use most skills that I encourage and teach during the skills-building parts of therapy. They serve me, and I pass those on as we move through the process, giving the perspective of using skills.

A connection is as important as the need for support. I look to connect with you and feel that it is the best place for change to existing. I’ve been working with individuals, adolescents, families, and couples for 20 years. I understand the need for people to feel understood, heard, and provided a safe, caring, professional environment to make the changes they didn’t think were possible.

I have many avenues and options that could help, and together we find your unique answers. When needed, I will support and ask you to explore, expand, or look at something that makes you uncomfortable. Change is worthwhile, and it is uncomfortable intrinsically.

I welcome you.

I welcome you to take a chance on yourself, begin a process that can be what you need it to be, work with a person who supports you, challenges you, and works with you to help you heal.

I hope you feel a possible connection with this information and can be the change you wish to see in your life! I can help you have that.

Call me at (941) 564-7987 for a free 15-minute consultation. It helps us to get a feel for each other and determine a good fit to work together.