Where is your office located?

Currently I meet with my clients online via telehealth, a HIPAA-compliant platform that assures your confidentiality in an online world.

This technology is wonderfully flexible, giving you the option of having a session at different times of day, on your lunch hour, after school, in your car…

We can meet in any private, safe area where you have access to an Internet connection, a camera, and a microphone!

What are your hours?
My hours are from 11 am to 4 pm, Monday – Thursday, and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.
How do I set up an initial session?

We can schedule an initial session at the end of our 15-minute consultation, or I can send you the link to the web portal via email to get started.

Fill out the Contact form or give me a call to schedule: (941) 564-7987.

With whom do you work?
I work with kids 10+, adults, couples, and families in my practice.
What do you actually do in session with clients?
We usually talk at first. I gather information about you and your family’s history and the current challenges you face. We’ll then create a plan for what to work on based on your wants and my recommendations. We use various tools in sessions, including worksheets, education, videos, music, and more to help you realize your goals.
What else does a client need to know to make the most out of working with you?

Know that I am committed to the process, so I ask that you also commit to changes.

I would also ask for your flexibility and understanding if sessions do not start directly on the hour (sometimes people need a bit more time).

Do people cry in session?
Crying is a natural response to emotions. It is a release of thought, emotions, pent-up anger, or fear. The release is a natural part of healing, and our bodies are meant to cry. That is why we do it – it’s a natural process. I hope you do cry. It’s your life, it matters, and I hope it matters to you, too!
Why do I hear a dog barking in the background?

I work from home, so you might hear “home sounds” like a dog barking, cat meowing, or lawn mower cutting in the distance.

But, in turn, since we’ll be working together through teletherapy, I might meet your cat or dog in the session. It’s part of life and part of therapy with me.

Do you believe in “the Force”?
I do indeed believe in “the Force” and wield it daily. I am an avid Disney fanatic. My family and I often make visits to our happy place to sit in “the Force”!
Can I ask questions in therapy?
Of course! Ask, seek to understand, and provide me with feedback. I will ask for your thoughts and verify that I have an understanding about you that I need to best help you with what you seek. This is a collaboration in healing. We do it together.