Healing Trauma

I know this is a hard time for you…

Are you waking up from nightmares, calling out in desperate pain?

The next hours or days are a blur as thoughts about the nightmare pop in at work. You sit frozen in your meeting, not hearing what is said.

Maybe you’re even afraid to fall asleep or resist the night by staying awake with distractions.

It’s hard waking up and living well each day when you can’t sleep through the night.

Are you plagued with a sick feeling of anguish and loss of control when you think of the past?

You sluggishly move in your day. Headache and nausea rise as you push those thoughts away, swallowing, tears running, you splash water on your face to make it stop.

Fake smile in place after stemming the tears and as you prop yourself up and hope for the best out of the day. If you can…

“Please don’t let this be one of those times I can’t.”

It’s debilitating to feel anxiety and fear randomly without the ability to control it – to need relief when there’s no help in sight.

Why am I dealing with this again!!?? I already talked about this. It went away, and now it’s back!

Triggered by a random thought, sight, scent, interaction, you are immediately thrown back into that space! The space you promised yourself you would never be again. You won’t let it feel that way ever again! You are past it… Why did it come back?

A deep well of anxiety, fear, guilt, and shame…

You know deep in your heart, with your head, that you have NOTHING to feel guilty about! You have heard from friends, family, and maybe read some books to help you with it. You know It.

“Why do I still deal with it? Why do I apologize when I’m not sorry to keep the peace? Why do I tremble in fear when that happens?”

It’s the connections in your brain that have you re-experiencing the past. Not able to rid yourself completely of the guilt that you think you should have, fought, talked, told, and got help sooner!

Friends and family attempt to understand…

They love you. They listen and give you the words meant to comfort, relax, and help you breathe. “Try counting and breathing; read this book. It helps with believing in yourself.”

All the while, the help you may have used is not effective. How do you tell them it didn’t work? You couldn’t make it work as hard as you tried, cried over it, and were so determined to have work for you.

Let me introduce you to EMDR…

It stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). I know… it’s a mouthful… but it can help people who experience anxiety, depression, eating disorders, grief, loss, or substance abuse cravings.

It’s a series of steps to help you process the painful trauma or disturbing events that have followed you into your present life – those things that make it difficult for you to feel safe, have trust, or live without anxiety. I understand that you might not even know why they’re affecting you in this way.

We’ll focus on a negative image, belief, or bodily sensation related to this event. While you focus on the upsetting event, I will begin sets of side-to-side eye movements, sounds, or taps. As we proceed, I will guide you to notice what comes to mind after each set. You may experience shifts in insight or changes in images, feelings, or beliefs regarding the event.

You have full control to stop me at any point if needed. The sets of eye movements, sounds, or taps are repeated until the event becomes less disturbing.

A typical EMDR therapy session lasts 60-90 minutes. EMDR therapy may be used along with standard talk therapy, adjunctive therapy with a separate therapist, or as a treatment all by itself.

Let me support you through this process.

I can help you alleviate the pain with understanding and support that include active, hands-on skills building; guided emotional support; and finding the tools that work specifically for you. We look at what you have tried and what works. We’ll also look at what you have tried and doesn’t work because you have already used skills.

As we move through the protocols of EMDR, we are building trust and connection as we take the painful journey to the hard places you have been and experienced. I walk with you, help you move through the pain to a desensitized state of the experience.

We sign a commitment to follow the therapy and understand that the process is worth the work and the journey to pain-free memories and healing or grieving in true nature, without the anchors to the past.

It’s time for you to live a life of peace and joy…

It’s the “thing” you haven’t tried and the thing you have wanted to help without knowing what it was. The healing is worth your peace of mind and the regaining of joy that you held at one time in your life.

Let’s talk about how it can help you in a 15-minute free consultation: (941) 564-7987.

Deciding to get help demonstrates the strength of character and control that you truly have.

Relief and support are available. Let’s work together as you move past the emotions and events that caused pain.