Individual Therapy

When it comes to therapy, you’ve probably asked yourself…

“Are my problems serious enough for therapy?”

So worried about the future that you end up missing out on life.

It’s so hard to make decisions. There are so many choices!

“What if you pick the wrong one? What if the other option was better?”

You’re probably always thinking about how you could have made things better because, let’s face it – it’s never “good enough.”

Do you have constant arguments with people because you’re always irritable? Tired of people telling you “relax” or “chill out”… as though you had a switch that can turn off in your brain.

I bet you can’t sleep (again) because, as usual, your mind is racing with all the demands you must meet every day.

You can’t concentrate at work… and now you have that to worry about! What if you get fired? What if people are not happy with your work? Do people like you? What do they think about you?

These challenges are massive roadblocks in life. They interfere with your social activities, relationship intimacy, work-life, and even your health.

Solutions to get your life back on track…

Constant negative thoughts have mostly overtaken your emotions and actions. Sometimes denying this feeling can make it worse, but you still try to distract yourself by doing something else.

But it always comes back.

Therapy can help get your anxiety under control and help you break the patterns disrupting your life.

I will create a safe environment where you can express yourself comfortably and “make sense of it all.”

This means unconditional acceptance of all your feelings and sacred secrets.

My best tools will be active listening, providing feedback, and helping you connect with the source of the emotions that keep weighing you down. They’re trying to tell you something… you just need to listen.

I’ll help you realize your roadblocks… and give you resources to tackle them.

Now is the time to understand certain patterns that have become destructive in your life. The focus is on you and only what is best for YOU.

Therapy can give you so much power and control over what you’re feeling and your actions.

“What can I do about it?”

As your needs are the ones that will give me direction with the approach to implement, I choose the techniques that fit you. Whether it is skills building, gaining insight, or learning to deal with conflict to setting boundaries. I can help you identify and replace irrational thinking patterns for healthier and more positive ones so you can finally feel better.

I will also help you communicate with yourself, being aware of the moment, and staying in touch with those emotions you keep running away from.

I will help you identify the needs behind your emotions, so you can finally take control by knowing what you can do.

We will use a variety of ways to achieve self-acceptance. I’ll teach you ways to stay true to your emotions and how to navigate them.

There’s no one like you, and how you handle situations is unique to the challenge and you.

You can finally stop pretending and surviving. It’s time to live the life you wanted.

Individual therapy is a process.

It’s identifying where you’re dissatisfied with life, prioritizing your needs, and making a plan for meaningful change.

Call me, and let’s discuss the possibilities and enjoy the 15-minute free consultation: (941) 564-7987.